Sunday Service "MLK Celebration" with Rev. Flossie Ernzen

Sunday, January 14 @ 10:00 am - 11:15 am

Rev. Florence Ernzen

Celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. with a message from Rev. Flossie Ernzen.

Guest Speaker Tony Jacobsen is being rescheduled to allow for a wider audience to hear this motivating message.

I hope this message finds you staying warm on this snowy day. Due to the unexpected winter weather conditions, we are changing the Sunday guest speaker to Rev. Flossie Ernzen. We will be rescheduling Tony Jacobsen’s Unbreakable for a time when travel is safer for all.  We are excited to announce that there will be a service tomorrow. Rev. Flossie will be sharing a special Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. This is a timely opportunity to honor the legacy of Dr. King and reflect on his message of unity, justice, and love. We will have a program featuring music, reflection, and community sharing that embodies the spirit of Dr. King’s vision.


Tony is fueling an #UNBREAKABLE world and helping people get healthier despite their limitations!

Tony’s Bio

Tony Jacobsen, who was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (O.I.), aka Brittle Bones Disease, is the author of “Disable Your Disability: Live the Healthy Life You Deserve!”, the pioneering guide that explores the nuanced relationship between fitness and O.I. Holding a NASM Certified Personal Trainer certification, he built and coaches through his thriving online adaptive fitness community, #UNBREAKABLE BODY.

Dedicated to empowering his disability community, Tony extends his impact beyond the pages of his book. Through motivational talks, workshops, and classes, he passionately advocates for and fuels an #UNBREAKABLE world. Tony’s commitment to breaking down barriers and redefining possibilities resonates in every aspect of his work.

Beyond his passions for writing, speaking, and fitness, Tony gets you moving as a seasoned DJ. Through vibrant mixes of timeless music, Tony injects a fun and funky twist to being #UNBREAKABLE and reshaping possibilities.

tony jacobsen holding book no bg

Every Sunday, our 10 AM ET service includes Unity’s Daily Word, a lesson on spiritual principles, and an inspiring meditation.

Join us in person at Plymouth Community Arts Council, live on Facebook, and on our website.

We meet in person at Plymouth Community Arts Council, 774 N Sheldon Road, Plymouth, MI

If you miss one of the Sunday Services, view in the Friends of Unity Facebook Videos

Supported by donations/love offering.

About Us

We at Friends of Unity are studying and discerning what Unity and unity is, and can be, as a community; what it can mean to be a hub of consciousness for spiritual growth and collective spiritual evolution. Friends of Unity is dedicated to expressing our guiding values on behalf of Love, Community, and Service. At Friends of Unity we strive to ensure each person is well supported with prayer partners, prosperity partners,  and classes that support living life fully, and healing. We at FoU are about the work to simply be kinder than necessary.



Kathy Harwood Long
