Sunday Service:The Three Marys: The Love in the Sacred Feminine with Scott Dodsworth, Guest Speaker

Sunday, March 16 @ 10:00 am - 11:15 am

scott full

We will look at the embodiment of love in the expression of the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, and a special “guest” Mary.
scott dodsworth
Scott Dodsworth was born in Detroit, MI. He grew up in Redford Township and Milford before moving to Chicago in 1990. For those of you that go back 50+ years to Unity of Livonia, yes… Scott is the child of Tom and Wanda who was in the YES, grades 1-6, the Uniteens, the Youth of Unity, and the Young Adults of Unity. He was Great Lakes Regional Representative for the Youth of Unity in 1981 and organized spiritual retreats for the YAU in Colorado and at Unity Village through the 80’s. After receiving his degree from the University of Michigan, Scott dedicated the next 33 years of his life to being a high school social studies teacher on the Southside of Chicago. As a teacher, Scott wove in Unity wisdoms he had learned from his life in Unity. The students called them Dodsworthisms but he simply called them Life 101. Scott retired from teaching in 2023, but brings his Live 101 for us today.
Want a glipse of Scott speaking? Click the Facebook links below:



Every Sunday, our 10 AM ET service includes Unity’s Daily Word, a lesson on spiritual principles, and an inspiring meditation.

Join us in person at Plymouth Community Arts Council, live on Facebook, and on our website.

We meet in person at Plymouth Community Arts Council, 774 N Sheldon Road, Plymouth, MI

If you miss one of the Sunday Services, view in the Friends of Unity Facebook Videos

Supported by donations/love offering.


About Us

We at Friends of Unity are studying and discerning what Unity and unity is, and can be, as a community; what it can mean to be a hub of consciousness for spiritual growth and collective spiritual evolution. Friends of Unity is dedicated to expressing our guiding values on behalf of Love, Community, and Service. At Friends of Unity we strive to ensure each person is well supported with prayer partners, prosperity partners,  and classes that support living life fully, and healing. We at FoU are about the work to simply be kinder than necessary.


Rev. Linda Dominik


Friends of Unity @ PCAC, & this website
In person @ PCAC, 774 N. Sheldon, Plymouth

