Sunday Service on Zoom "The Language of Peace" with Guest Speaker, Danielle Boes, LUT

Sunday, February 16 @ 10:00 am - 11:15 am

danielle boes lut headshot


As we watch the weather reports regarding heavy snowfall Saturday night into Sunday morning, and after much prayer and consideration, we have made the difficult decision to move this Sunday’s Service from the PCAC to Zoom. While we look forward to being together on Sundays, your safety and wellbeing is our priority. Remember, our church isn’t just a place – it’s the love and faith we share, whether we’re together in person or connected through our screens.

We invite you to join us for our online service through Zoom, Facebook, and on our website. See the Zoom Invitation below. Please check your Zoom app beforehand. (It seems Zoom wants to update every time you attend a meeting.) If you need technical assistance reach out to Sherry (734-833-1071) or Gail (248-842-2252).

If you’re feeling anxious about the weather or need any kind of support – practical or spiritual – please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Visit the church website and Facebook for updates about next week’s and upcoming events.

P.S. If you know of any church members who might need help or may not see this message, please reach out to them.

Church Administrator

Friends of Unity is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Sunday Service February 16th
Time: Feb 16, 2025 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 358 407 2821

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Peace begin with us. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say, within us. With our thoughts, words and actions we create our reality.  Is your mind at peace? That’s where it all begins!
In this lesson I’ll talk a bit about how only by attaining inner peace can we create the same in the physical world.
About Danielle Boes

Danielle Boes is a Licensed Unity Teacher from Unity of Rochester where she began attending in 1999.  She has served at UOR since her licensing in 2012. She has served in leadership roles in both her home church and briefly as Interim Minister at Unity of Ann Arbor.  She lives in Oakland Township Michigan and loves music, art, reading and LEGO.


About Friends of Unity

We at Friends of Unity are studying and discerning what Unity and unity is, and can be, as a community; what it can mean to be a hub of consciousness for spiritual growth and collective spiritual evolution. Friends of Unity is dedicated to expressing our guiding values on behalf of Love, Community, and Service. At Friends of Unity we strive to ensure each person is well supported with prayer partners, prosperity partners,  and classes that support living life fully, and healing. We at FoU are about the work to simply be kinder than necessary.

Every Sunday, our 10 AM ET service includes Unity’s Daily Word, a lesson on spiritual principles, and an inspiring meditation.

Join us in person at Plymouth Community Arts Council, live on Facebook, and on our website.

We meet in person at Plymouth Community Arts Council, 774 N Sheldon Road, Plymouth, MI

If you miss one of the Sunday Services, view in the Friends of Unity Facebook Videos

Supported by donations/love offering.




Church Administrator


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